Mount Vernon Overhead Door

Since 1971, Mount Vernon Overhead Door has been a local provider of residential and commercial garage doors. We are grateful and excited to continue to serve our community as we add new products and services.

Our Story Starts With A Man Named Dann…

Dann Beaver bought the business from a local owner in 1985. His goal was to support his family and serve his community with local products and service.
He was proud to run a business focused on customer service and great local service. This allowed him to spend time with his family and make happy memories. He was a coach on his daughter Lisa’s softball team for years, and Mount Vernon Overhead Door continues to be a local sponsor for youth softball in Mt. Vernon to this day. It’s a legacy that we will never let go of.
He was a selfless family man who built the foundation of this business and now being run by his son Brad Beaver, he employs the same values and commitments. It’s impossible to sum up what Dann meant to everyone in his life in this small article, and he is missed every day since he passed away. We strive to make him proud as we continue to be a local provider for doors and window products with a focus on the customer experience.  

Meet Our Awesome Team!

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