Thinking of getting your windows replaced in the winter months in Knox County, Ohio?
Go for it!
Many homeowners in the Mount Vernon and surrounding area of Ohio are thinking about replacing old, worn windows. And why not? Windows are a huge part of the aesthetic of your home. They can be seen from the outside and inside. Replacing windows can up the value of your home and make the exterior of your house look almost new again. They can also help maintain the temperature of your home during the hot summer months and cold winter days. However, when the temperatures turn cold and the snow starts to fall, some homeowners put their window project off for the rest of the season.
It’s a myth that you can only replace your windows during the warmer months, such as spring or summer. Replacing windows during the winter makes just as much sense for homeowners. That is why many Mount Vernon homeowners choose the colder months to replace the old windows in their homes. One reason is that it is often much less expensive if you choose to replace windows when it is colder outside. Many window companies see a huge decline in customers when it is cold out, so they are likely to do what they can to bring in business. Installation projects that cost more in the summer may now come with a deep discount. Your windows themselves may even be cheaper to purchase. These companies may slash their process for window installation during the colder months so that they can bring in as much business as they can.
You’ll also want to consider what will happen during the spring and summer months if you are thinking of replacing your windows. This is typically the busiest time for all window installers and companies. You may have trouble from the very start when you try to get ahold of a company and keep getting the run-around. The companies may be booked solid for a long time, causing you to wait weeks or even months to get your new windows in. Plus, they are in such high demand currently that their prices often go up. The installers may not give your home the care and attention that it deserves while they are there because they have been so busy and just want to get in and out of your home.
Since window installers are usually looking for work during the winter months you will likely find a time that suits your schedule, not the other way around. Yes, you may have to deal with some level of discomfort if you choose to install new windows in the winter. While the installers are working on your windows, you will have to put up with more cold air in your home. However, this is usually a small price to pay for homeowners when compared to the amount of money they can save by choosing the off-season for installation.
Getting Started
If you are curious as to having replacement windows installed inside of your Knox County, Ohio home during the winter months, we invite you to contact Mount Vernon Overhead Door as we are now offering free estimates on window replacements.